Core Programming
The Core of DPN is our Powerful Parent Trainings. Each of these trainings is designed to give parents the skills, practical knowledge, and support that they need to act as champions for their children and community.
No prior experience or education is needed! We welcome everyone to join us for these Powerful Parent Trainings.

Love & Logic
Parenting the Love & Logic Way®
Parenting the Love and Logic Way is a course designed to give parents immediate and practical skills and tools for effectively communicating with their children.
Topics will include: The Two Rules of Love and Logic®; Delayed or “Anticipatory” Consequences; Using empathy and Love and Logic one-liners to neutralize arguing
This is a seven-week course that meets for one hour each week. Our facilitators are trained and certified to deliver this curriculum. Participants in all seven weeks will receive a certificate upon completion.
Register for an upcoming session of Love & Logic here.
Parent Leadership Training
Parent Leadership Training
Build your knowledge and leadership skills to help your schools and community!
Participants in this parent leadership course will learn and strengthen the following skills:
🏆 Identify personal goals for leadership.
🗣️ Develop strategies to strengthen leadership and communication skills.
📅 Develop a plan of action to implement leadership in your home, community, and local schools.

Parent Advocacy Training
This Powerful Parenting course applies an equity lens on health and wellbeing, early literacy, child-family, and education policies that will enable ALL children to thrive.
The Parent Advocacy Training encompasses 6 weeks of advocacy training with practical experiences for parents and caregivers to engage with community leaders from dynamic organizations such as the Education Trust-Midwest, Teach for America, MI League for Public Policy, ACLU and more!
Parent Cafés
Parent Cafes are opportunities for parents and community members to hear more information about particularly relevant topics, ask questions, and get answers from experts who are trusted and vetted by Detroit Parent Network.
These 1-hour workshops happen throughout the month and are Free and Open to the public.
Recent Topics include:
COVID-19 Vaccines
Maternal & Infant Health
Exploring Equity, Education, and Empowerment
Equity: What Will It Take for All Families to Thrive?

But wait - there's More!
Detroit Parent Network always strives to bring our members the programming, information, and advocacy opportunities they and their families need. You can find all of our upcoming events (even more than the Core Programming above) on our Upcoming Events Page and on Facebook.